Pregnancies |
Dataset details: Benin 1km pregnancies
DATASET: Version 2.0 2015 estimates of numbers of pregnancies per grid square, with national totals adjusted to match national estimates on numbers of pregnancies made by the Guttmacher Institute (
REGION: Africa
SPATIAL RESOLUTION: 0.00833333 decimal degrees (approx 1km at the equator)
PROJECTION: Geographic, WGS84
UNITS: Estimated pregnancies per grid square
MAPPING APPROACH: Integration of datasets on population distribution, age/sex structure and fertility rates, along with estimates for stillbirths, miscarriages, abortions and national estimates for live births, combined to produce high resolution maps detailing the number and distribution of pregnancies.
FORMAT: Geotiff (zipped using 7-zip (open access tool):
FILENAMES: Example - ARG_pregs_pp_v2_2015.tif = Argentina (ARG, three-letter country code adhering to ISO 3166 standard) pregnancies per pixel (pregs_pp) version 2 (v2) based on data for circa 2015.
WorldPop ( - School of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton). 2017. Benin 1km pregnancies. Version 2.0 2015 estimates of numbers of pregnancies per grid square, with national totals adjusted to match national estimates on numbers of pregnancies made by the Guttmacher Institute ( DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/WP00498