Population Counts

WorldPop produces different types of gridded population count datasets, depending on the methods used and end application. Please make sure you have read our Mapping Populations overview page before choosing and downloading a dataset.

Bespoke methods used to produce datasets for specific individual countries are available through the WorldPop Open Population Repository (WOPR) link below. These are 100m resolution gridded population estimates using customized methods ("bottom-up" and/or "top-down") developed for the latest data available from each country. They can also be visualised and explored through the woprVision App.
The remaining datasets are produced using the "top-down" method, with either the unconstrained or constrained top-down disaggregation method used. Please make sure you read the Top-down estimation modelling overview page to decide on which datasets best meet your needs. Datasets are available to download in Geotiff and ASCII XYZ format at a resolution of 3 and 30 arc-seconds (approximately 100m and 1km at the equator, respectively):

- Constrained individual countries 2024 (100m resolution): Consistent 100m resolution population count datasets created using constrained top-down methods for all countries of the World for 2024. These represent alpha version estimates and may change over the coming weeks as improvements are made. Moreover, a full 2015-2030 annual time series will be published in early 2025.
- Unonstrained individual countries 2024 (100m resolution): Consistent 100m resolution population count datasets created using unconstrained top-down methods for all countries of the World for 2024. These represent alpha version estimates and may change over the coming weeks as improvements are made. Moreover, a full 2015-2030 annual time series will be published in early 2025.
- Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020 ( 1km resolution ): Consistent 1km resolution population count datasets created using unconstrained top-down methods for all countries of the World for each year 2000-2020.
- Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020 ( 100m resolution ): Consistent 100m resolution population count datasets created using unconstrained top-down methods for all countries of the World for each year 2000-2020.
- Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020 UN adjusted ( 100m resolution ): Consistent 100m resolution population count datasets created using unconstrained top-down methods for all countries of the World for each year 2000-2020 and adjusted to match United Nations national population estimates (UN 2019)
-Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020 UN adjusted ( 1km resolution ): Consistent 1km resolution population count datasets created using unconstrained top-down methods for all countries of the World for each year 2000-2020 and adjusted to match United Nations national population estimates (UN 2019).
-Unconstrained global mosaics 2000-2020 ( 1km resolution ): Mosaiced 1km resolution versions of the "Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020" datasets.
-Constrained individual countries 2020 ( 100m resolution ): Consistent 100m resolution population count datasets created using constrained top-down methods for all countries of the World for 2020.
-Constrained individual countries 2020 UN adjusted ( 100m resolution ): Consistent 100m resolution population count datasets created using constrained top-down methods for all countries of the World for 2020 and adjusted to match United Nations national population estimates (UN 2019).

Older datasets produced for specific individual countries and continents, using a set of tailored geospatial inputs and differing "top-down" methods and time periods are still available for download here: Individual countries and Whole Continent.

Constrained Individual countries 2020 ( 100m resolution ) Constrained Individual countries 2020 UN adjusted (100m resolution) Unconstrained global mosaics 2000-2020 ( 1km resolution ) Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020 ( 1km resolution ) Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020 ( 100m resolution ) Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020 UN adjusted ( 100m resolution ) Unconstrained individual countries 2000-2020 UN adjusted ( 1km resolution ) Bespoke methods for individual countries (WOPR)