Development and Health Indicators Development Indicators / Individual countries / Tanzania Maternal and Newborn Health

Tanzania SBA/NCA/PNC estimates

Version 1.0 estimates representing the predicted prevalence of i) skilled birth attendance, ii) 4+ antenatal care visits, iii) postnatal check-up within 48 hours, and iv) absolute change over time among these indicators, using DHS data. Time points available consist of Tanzania, 1999/2010 and 2015.

REGION: Africa


PROJECTION: Geographic, WGS84

UNITS: Prevalence expressed as decimal values

MAPPING APPROACH: Bayesian hierarchical mixed effects logistic regression methods applied to household survey data, in order to derive modelled prevalence of utilising maternal and newborn health services across three time points available. Absolute change over time in prevalence was measured as the difference between the first (t1) and last (t3) time points available per country.

FORMAT: Shapefile

FIELDNAMES: Example: SBA_t1 = predicted prevalence of skilled birth attendance at time point 1

Region : Tanzania
DOI : 10.1186/s12889-018-6241-8
Date of production : 2018-12-01
Recommended citation

Ruktanonchai CW, Nilsen K, Alegana VA, Bosco C, Ayiko R, Charles ASK, Matthews Z, Tatem AJ. Temporal trends in spatial inequalities of maternal and newborn outcomes among four East African countries, 1999 – 2015. 2018, 18:1339

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