Population Counts |
DATA DESCRIPTION: Version 2.0 estimates of total number of people per grid square for five timepoints between 2000 and 2020 at five year intervals; national totals have been adjusted to match UN Population Division estimates for each time point(1)
REGION: Africa
SPATIAL RESOLUTION: 0.00833333 decimal degrees (approx 1km at the equator)
PROJECTION: Geographic, WGS84
UNITS: Estimated persons per grid square
FORMAT: Geotiff (zipped using 7-zip (open access tool): www.7-zip.org)
FILENAMES: Example - AFR_PPP_2010_adj_v2.tif = Africa population dataset presenting people per pixel (PPP) for 2010, adjusted to match UN national estimates (adj), dataset version 2.0 (v2)
DATASET CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: This dataset is a mosaic of all WorldPop country level African datasets resampled to 1km resolution. The continental grouping of countries honours the macro geographical classification developed and maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division(2). For countries within each continental group which have not been mapped by WorldPop, GPWv4 1km population count data(3) was used to complete the mosaic. Full details of WorldPop population mapping methodologies are described here: www.worldpop.org.uk/data/methods/
Also included: (i) csv table describing the data source of the modelled population data for each country dataset (either WorldPop or GPWv4) which featured in the continental raster mosaic.
(1) United Nations Population Division, WorldPopulation Prospects, 2015 Revision. http://esa.un.org/wpp/
(2) United Nations Statistics Division. http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm
(3) Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2016. Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Count. Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). http://dx.doi.org/10.7927/H4X63JVC. Accessed 30 Sept 2016